alcohol and drug abuse

Province Won't Enforce Liquor Licence Conditions

Province won't enforce liquor licence conditions
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario has informed city officials it will no longer enforce a litany of conditions currently attached to liquor licences in Toronto. This means that nightclubs, lounges and bars, … “Even if you just want to sell …
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I Need Drug Addiction help…If You Know of Any Phone Numbers or Help Lines That Really Work Please Share!!?

Question by ??AUDREY??: I need Drug addiction help…If you know of any phone numbers or help lines that really work please share!!?

Best answer:

Answer by sarah
National Alcohol & Substance
Abuse Foundation

1- 800 784 6776

Answer by DarknessXII
QUICK call 911 and say ur on some… Continue reading

Physician: Drug Abuse Common in ER Setting

Physician: Drug abuse common in ER setting
and “Sizzup,” of “Purple Drink,” a combination of cough syrup containing codeine and Sprite or alcohol. Others include “Molly” or ecstacy, which has a dangerous affect on body temperature, and can cause muscle breakdown and kidney …
drug abuse – Bing News

How… Continue reading

I Need to Find Drug Rehabs in Long Island City, New York. How?

Question by brenna 3xf: I need to find drug rehabs in Long Island City, New York. How?
My daughter, having been sexually harassed by another member of the family, decided to keep quiet about this for years. Recently, when she can’t take it anymore, she turned to drugs. I have… Continue reading

Syracuse Agency to Teach Public How to Administer Medication That Prevents

Syracuse agency to teach public how to administer medication that prevents
"Access to training and overdose prevention kits is a key strategy to educating the public and saving more lives," Bortel said. The kits will contain vials of the drug, latex gloves and other supplies. The kits and training… Continue reading

What Is the Treatment for Alcohol and Drugs?

Question by : what is the treatment for alcohol and drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by maps3333
no treatment for alcohol. you drink in moderation or dont drink at all or lose everything for eternity depends on the drugs

Answer by Nitram
you haven’t said what you want treating.… Continue reading

Teen Drug Abuse Becoming an Epidemic, Must Be Addressed

Teen drug abuse becoming an epidemic, must be addressed
An even more disturbing trend is the rise of prescription drug abuse. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, prescription and over-the-counter medications are some of the most commonly abused drugs by high school seniors.
drug abuse – Bing News… Continue reading

Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse in Youth

Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse in Youth
Pharmaceutical drug abuse among teens is a growing problem, especially considering that Americans between the ages of 12 and 49 who abuse prescription drugs are more likely to use heroin than others in the same age group. Prescription and over-the-counter …
drug abuse – Bing… Continue reading

Addiction Recovery — Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources

Addiction Recovery — Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources — Addiction Recovery — Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources Addiction Recovery – Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Resources Imagine a parent playing out…

Governor proposes tax, education changes
“Ohio as a state will be better with a modernized severance tax… Continue reading

Philip Seymour Hoffman's Story and Obamacare Coverage of Drug Addiction

Philip Seymour Hoffman's Story and Obamacare Coverage of Drug Addiction
… previously been addicted to drugs but had been sober for 20 years until 2013, when he relapsed. This emphasizes how important it is to be in continuing care of physicians and support groups and have a strong supportive family… Continue reading