Any Support Group for Abuse Survivors?

Question by Ocean: Any support group for abuse survivors?
I was emotionally abused as a child by my parents, non sexual, now adult. I’m still seeing my parents frequently. I’ve been going for counselling for about 15 sessions now. It all went well until now when I’m having a relapse and so tempted to reset everything back when the family around me are not supportive. Do you know of any support group on the internet that at least offer a platform for support/sharing of feelings?

Best answer:

Answer by Hugo
Yes, if you suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD you can visit
Yahoo group

Answer by Slim W
Speak with your counselor, about finding an MCAD group in your area.
Relapse into what? drinking and drugs? if so get to an AA meeting. the two are not mutually exclusive.. I’ve met plenty of AA’s member’s who suffered horridly at the hands of many types of abuses..
Go to AA and get a sponsor of your own sex. begin discussing some of the issues that triggered the memories leading to the relapse..

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