Massacre at Mexico Drug Rehab Center


Massacre at Mexico Drug Rehab Center – Gunmen broke into a drug rehabilitation center, lined people against a wall and shot 17 dead in a particularly bloody day in Mexico’s relentless drug war. (Sept. 3)


College Hill resident writes book about illegal drug market

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

He retired from the police department in 2007 and began writing his book, volunteering with drug rehabilitation programs, and is a public speaker on behalf of LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. When he isn't doing those things, Rahtz said he …


Sidon council to build rare drug rehabilitation center

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

SIDON, Lebanon: Public officials announced Thursday the construction of a new drug rehabilitation center near the port city of Sidon. “These kinds of specialized institutions are so rare in Lebanon,” former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said at a …
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