Other Than Drugs, Are There Instances Where a Judge Would Terminate Parental Rights?

Question by sweetgirlsmama: Other than drugs, are there instances where a judge would terminate parental rights?
What are some actual circumstances, other than drug abuse, can a non custodial parents rights be terminated in family court? I know it’s done, but people are always so secretive about how it gets done. What gives?

Best answer:

Answer by max’s mom
terminating parental rights is a big deal but if the circumstances warrant it, it can be done.The first example I can think of is the noncustodial parent putting the child in danger, either by abuse (physical, emotional or sexual) putting the kids in danger (i.e. having guns around the house, doing dangerous activities that always get the kids hurt, or a psychologist could say it is in the kids’ best interests. or perhaps the noncustodial parent is unstable and won’t get treatment for a condition he or she has, like depression, drinking, anger.

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