Research Psychiatric Center – Addictions and Mental Health Conditions


Research Psychiatric Center – Addictions and Mental Health Conditions – Subbu J. Sarma, MD, attending psychiatrist at Research Psychiatric Center (RPC), speaks to the methodology of treating patients suffering from co-occurring disorders during their stay at RPC (patients with both addictions and mental health conditions). The co-occurring disorders program ties both the addictive behaviors with the mental health condition in such a way that the patient is better able to understand how these interact with one another to affect their life.


Bieber's mom produces anti-abortion short film

Filed under: addiction help kansas city

The pop star's mother has written and spoken extensively about the addiction and abuse that led to her teenage pregnancy. Mallette said in a statement she hopes her involvement with "Crescendo" will "encourage young women all over the world, just like …
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People unknowingly add to ever-growing mountain of available personal data

Filed under: addiction help kansas city

And found unforeseen consequences. Addiction, for example. Scholars look up things. Long ago they had to go to libraries, read books. There was a purity in that. It meant work, effort — scholarship. Now she has her smartphone, and finds herself “addicted.
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