drug addict

Drug Addict Recovery Quotes?

Question by Wes B: Drug Addict Recovery Quotes?
So i was addicted to oxy contin not too long ago, went through complete detox and am now in out patient, and am now making a full recovery and plan on staying clean. I am really into quotes and they… Continue reading

Philip Seymour Hoffman Among Thousands of Addiction Victims

Philip Seymour Hoffman among thousands of addiction victims
An admitted drug addict who first sought professional help more than two decades ago, Hoffman apparently succumbed to his illness with an overdose despite a return to rehab last March. A father of three with a thriving career, the Oscar winner died… Continue reading

Hazelden-Betty Ford Center Psychologist Tapped to Lead Colorado Treatment

Hazelden-Betty Ford Center Psychologist Tapped to Lead Colorado Treatment
As CCO, Dr. Peters will direct the Harmony Clinical Program which currently treats approximately 700 men and women for the diseases of alcohol and drug addiction each year. Dr. Peters will relocate from the Hazelden campus near Minneapolis, MN to… Continue reading

I Think I Might Be a Drug Addict?

Question by Sarah: I think I might be a drug addict?
For starters I’ve been as Xanax junkie and an alcoholic and I used to smoke cigarettes and was a big pot head. But I kinda had all of it under control. Well I think I have a pill problem.… Continue reading

Alcohol Rehab Center in Alabama | Call 800-303-2938 for INFO

Alcohol Rehab Center in Alabama | Call 800-839-1682 For INFO — Alcohol Rehab Center in Alabama – Call 800-839-1682 For INFO Been addicted to alcohol? You might need our Alcohol Rehab Center in Alabama to help you in stop…

The tooth and nothing but the whole tooth
Because drugs don't… Continue reading

I Am Trying to Cope With a Close Family Members Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol?

Question by Laugh…Live…Love: I am trying to cope with a close family members addiction to drugs and alcohol?
My brother who i am extremely close to recently left to go to rehab and i need to talk to someone about it but my parents and me are not… Continue reading

Drug Abuse in the Military: A Public Health Crisis


Drug Abuse in the Military: A Public Health Crisis – At the VA Medical Center in Washington, DC, it’s no secret that if you want drugs, you can get them. From alcohol to prescriptions to illegal drugs, addictio…


Evangelicals Are Winning the Gay Marriage Fight–in Africa and Russia… Continue reading

Father Is Going for Joint Custody and Claiming Child as a Dependent?

Question by kimballz: Father is going for joint custody and claiming child as a dependent?
I live in the state of MN, and have a 7 year old with a boy (whom is nearly 28 yrs old). I left him the day after our daughter turned 1. He was… Continue reading

Recovering Addicts Use Experience to Help School Pupils


Recovering addicts use experience to help school pupils – For more stories visit http://www.enca.com/ May 25 – Recovering addicts are using their own experiences with drugs to help pupils at schools in Eldorado Park…


Recovering drug addict finds new meaning in Thanksgiving

Filed under: drug addiction help recovery… Continue reading

Do You Get Ticked Off When the Media Portrays Michael Jackson as a Drug Junkie?

Question by summer 369: Do you get ticked off when the media portrays Michael Jackson as a drug junkie?
Since Michael’s death, when talk show hosts (I’m not naming any names) do shows on prescription drug addictions, they ALWAYS refer back to “Michael Jackson died of a drug overdose”,… Continue reading