Would Drug Checks in Schools Minimize the Drug Abuse? ANy Statistics or Proof of This?

Question by darkid: Would drug checks in schools minimize the drug abuse? ANy statistics or proof of this?
I need proof of this, if there is to be drug checks does the use deacrease?

Best answer:

Technically no, why: because it has been shown that when laws are in place it makes more people do the opposite. Example in Europe in some countries they do not have a drinking age at all, but yet fewer teenagers drink over there. One road has no speed limit and has rarely any accidents vs the U.S.

What do you think? Answer below!



Teenage Drug Abuse Statistics – Teenage drug abuse statistics at www.drug-aware.com. How many young people use drugs? Have a look at http for additional information. There are a variety of places you can look at for figures, however one of the best are the ones presented by the British Home Office. The Home Office question approximately 20000 younger people every other year to work out exactly what modern society is doing. They’ve identified, based upon the surveys conducted, that an estimated Half of all 16-29 year olds used drugs during the last 12 months. However, if that’s lowered to a marginally younger age range of sixteen – twenty four year olds it works out that 1 in 5 have tried drugs in the last calendar month. However, if that is taken down even further, a survey performed by the National Health Service, of well over 40000 young people, they found that by the age of 15 twenty-seven percent of children have already taken drugs. At the age of thirteen 9% had previously taken drugs and at age eleven four percent had tried drugs. For additional info on this, please have a look at www.drug-aware.com.


From Twitter:

“@fitnessleak Poor diet and lack of exercise causes 580,000 deaths/yr, which exceeds deaths caused by violence or drug abuse #statistics” – by frzzfitness (Frzz)


From Twitter:

RT @fitnessleak: RT @fitnessleak: Poor diet and lack of exercise causes 580,000 deaths/yr, which exceeds deaths caused by violence or drug abuse #statisticsby Daltrosity (Dalton Rohr)